Workshop talk for the
ARRAY 2019 paper
The TensorFlow team at Google invited me to give a talk on
Remora's programming model, type system, and open problems.
A preliminary visit earlier in the week
had brought up data frame computation,
so this is the first exploration of
adding heterogeneous records to Remora
as a way to work with data frames.
While the thesis proposal is currently
the most thorough overview of the Remora project,
the REPL-session style used in much of this talk
is probably easier to understand without the speaker.
Workshop talk for the
ARRAY 2018 paper
Talk for my
thesis proposal
Part 2 of a 2-part series
based on the ESOP 2014 talk,
describing the design of Remora to the team
while interning at Nvidia.
Part 1 of a 2-part series
based on the ESOP 2014 talk,
describing the design of Remora to the team
while interning at Nvidia.
Conference talk for the
ESOP 2014 paper
This was an early "project status report"
while visiting INRIA Rocquencourt
during my advisor's sabbatical there.
Since I had a fairly long time slot to fill,
this includes a lot of worked-out examples
of evaluating rank-polymorphic code as well as
a tour of the formal reduction rules
and some typing rules.